Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just ignore .

I got nothing much to blog anymore .
I'm starting to think all the shits stuff again .
Damn shits happening .

Not only people but school too .
I'm seriously damn tired of shouts and tears .
Life isn't that simple as it looks ...
I've tried to just think positively and be positive ,
But nothing turns out like that .

Today's fine and the next day is shit .
F**k the shit .
I'm really sick .

I rarely use this word but I'm really lonely for now .
Even my daily dose of dramas ain't helping anymore .
I really hate this .
I don't know what to decide on anymore .
I'm really really tired ...

I'm not just saying what I've been through ,
But what I felt for it .

If I had a time machine ...

I really felt that I'm a total idiot now .
Maybe I were ...

Where is F&F when you really really need one ?

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